Monday, October 25, 2010

hear me boy .

even awak mcm mana ,
i always love you .
i always listen to you .
i always want you .
i always miss you .
i always be there when you need me .
i always give you a second chance .

'why you still want him when he do a lot of things to you?'

banyak sgt org tnya pehal ?
suka hati aku lah .
aku bukan jenis yg cepat tak suka .
yeah mmg aku cepat syg org .
but it's hard to let them go .
it's hard .
because orang ckap tak elok meruntuhkan sesebuah perhubungan .
and i do , i don't want . to let them go .
i always want you be here with me .
even org tuh mcm mana sekali pun .
org tuh banyak buat kita sakit .
and orang cakap kita elok maafkan seseorng jika dia buat salah dekat kita .
even besar mana salah dia dekat kita .
and kita tak patut buat dekat dia mcm tuh balik .

and if TER , i'm sorry . i know i have done a bad things to you too .
so i deserved to have this . and honestly , i didn't mean nk buat awk mcm tuh .
orang kawan dengan semua orang .
yeah , i'm the gurl yg taktau malu yg bnyk kawan dgn lelaki .
yeah , i should friends with the gurl kan ?
but i'm sorry i have more BOYfriends than GIRLfriends .
i know but i treat dorng semua mcm kwn je . tak lebih .
and to my bff , aku syg kau just as a my BFF kan ?
kau pun tau kan ? kau pun mcm tuh kan ?
kau pun dah ada gf kan ? kita dah kawan lama .
why you can't get it ? yeah , org share everything dgn dia .
and i hope i can share everything with you too .
but if you do the same thing with me :/

i lost my half .
but i have my half .
in there i have all my bff .
yg always with me .
i will be strong .
i know i can .
i will take a deep breath,

deeep and deeep .

and let it go .
slowly .
to forget you .
to be okay .
to back to normal .
to have all my happiness back .

i can't satnd it .
it is out mcm air .
it's fall one by one .
and it become faster .
and i don't realise it .
i just want to let it go .
let it go semuaaaaaaaaaanya !
come on AINI .
you can .

yes i can :(
i have my shower .
it's different .
it's out from mine .
that's all .

bye hati .
tiada lagi .
tinggal memori .

*kau,ineedyourshoulder :(

1 comment:

SaraNsr said...

you have to be strong, aini :) we are all here for you. dont worry okay. we'll always love you <3